Talking with Tech Leaders

Talking with... Andy Young, Head of Digital & UX at Phoenix Group

March 22, 2022 Michael Phair Season 1 Episode 17

Just as the digital revolution has changed the way we do our shopping, manage our money, and interact with each other (among other impacts), today’s tech has completely rewritten the rulebook for business. From internal communications and people management, to customer relations and product development, everything is touched by digital. Which all makes Digital Transformation one of those get-it-right-or-go-home kind of issues.

And that makes this episode of Talking with Tech Leaders a must-listen podcast. Having spent the last ten years or so with Standard Life and Phoenix, Andy Young has witnessed – and driven – the transformation of a venerable institution into a modern-day provider. As Group Head of Digital & UX at Phoenix Group, he has plenty of fascinating insights that it’s well worth hearing.